Fitzroy Crossing rebuild underway as new homes arrive in flood-affected communities

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The first of 22 new modular homes were trucked into the Kimberley, as temporary accommodation provider Humanihut Australia prepared to leave town.
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New modular housing is helping flood-affected communities near Fitzroy Crossing reach an important recovery milestone after Tropical Cyclone Ellie devasted the area in January 2023.

The community of Darlngunaya on Bunuba country received the first of four homes, which the Department of Communities is now installing at a higher flood level, as part of its Kimberley Floods Housing Repair and Rebuild Program.

A further 18 homes will be delivered to Burawa, Fitzroy Crossing, Karnparrmi, Loanbun and Muludja in the coming months.

This multi-million dollar rebuild of flood-damaged Government owned homes marks an important transition to move residents out of temporary accommodation and into a permanent place to live.

Communities engaged South Australian company Humanihut Australia to provide the temporary shelter in response to the flood crisis and this week, after a year on the ground in Fitzroy Crossing, the time has come for Humanihut to pack up its innovative housing units and return to South Australia.

Humanihut worked with Communities Emergency Relief and Support team to consult with the impacted communities of Bungardi, Burawa, Darlngunaya, Junjuwa, Loanbun and other displaced Fitzroy Crossing residents to plan for the best place for accommodation and layout of the facilities such as bathrooms, kitchens and outdoor barbecue areas.

Ninety-six huts and related infrastructure, such as power generators, water storage, beds, linen and other essential items, were delivered to Fitzroy Crossing with the Humanihut team building the new accommodation before Easter 2023 and helping residents to be back on their land for the Term 1 school holidays.

The arrangement with Humanihut Australia allowed residents to go back to the community of Bungardi and supported members of Loanbun, Junjuwa and Darlngunaya to be back in the Fitzroy Valley, after being evacuated to Broome and Derby.

Programs are jointly funded through the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. To keep up to date, visit EmergencyWA.