EOIs sought for purchase of Western Australian pine industrial wood

News story
The Forest Products Commission is inviting interested parties to submit their expression of interest for the purchase of pine industrial wood supply from 2026 to 2033.
Last updated:

To reproduce this news story, please include an acknowledgement of the Forest Products Commission and reference to it originally appearing on the Forest Products Commission’s website.

The Forest Products Commission is inviting interested parties to submit their expression of interest for the purchase of pine industrial wood supply from 2026 to 2033.  Industrial wood is the portion of the tree not suitable for posts, milling or veneering, and typically processed as a fibre source for pulp, paper, fibreboard, wood composites, or energy production.

The sale will encourage ongoing investment in softwood processing capacity and support the State Government’s commitment of $350 million into Western Australia’s (WA) softwood estate.

The State Government’s investment in the plantation estate will help ensure the supply of essential timber products for the housing and construction industry in WA and contribute to the capture and storage of carbon to meet the challenges of climate change.

Full details are available in the EOI document, which can be downloaded from Tenders WA.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please respond through Tenders WA by 3:00 pm AWST on 1 December 2023.

Non-mandatory online briefing session

A non-mandatory online briefing session is scheduled at 10:00 am AWST on 24 October 2023.

Potential respondents wishing to attend must register their interest by emailing Mike Lobb at eoipine@fpc.wa.gov.au by COB Friday 20 October 2023.

Once registered, you will receive an invitation.

Please note that the meeting will occur through Microsoft Teams.

You are encouraged to become familiar with Microsoft Teams to avoid technical difficulties on that day.

Respondents must not contact any other person within Government, or any consultant engaged by the FPC in relation to this EOI to discuss this EOI.

Contacts for enquiries

Person: Mike Lobb
Phone: (08) 9363 4617
Email: eoipine@fpc.wa.gov.au

Advice on using Tenders WA:

Branch: Procurement Systems Support
Phone: (08) 6551 2020

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