Drivers urged to remember the Life Toll this National Road Safety Week

Media release
The Road Safety Commission is highlighting the lifelong impacts of road trauma this National Road Safety Week, sharing crash survivor Roslind’s story through the extension of its Life Toll series.
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two people in front of a sign reading 'disability is forever'

Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner said while many of us are familiar with the road toll as a record of the lives lost on our roads, on average nearly 2,000 people are also seriously injured on WA roads each year.

“For many crash survivors, like Roslind, life will never be the same again due to the injuries they suffer. This is the life toll,” Mr Warner said.

Roslind tells how taking her eyes off the road for a split second resulted in a crash that left her with a traumatic brain injury that, to this day, affects her speech and balance, 33 years later.

She explains the crash changed her whole life and she wouldn’t wish how it has affected her and her family on anyone.

Mr Warner hopes sharing Roslind’s story during National Road Safety Week will raise awareness of the lifelong struggles faced by road trauma survivors.

Trauma survivor Roslind with RS Commissioner Adrian

“Roslind’s story is the fourth in our Life Toll series since it was originally launched in late 2020 to give a voice to road trauma survivors,” he said.

“The Life Toll stories are a powerful reminder that road trauma can happen to anyone, and we need to take action to keep ourselves and others safe on the road.”

Peter Frazer OAM, of the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, created National Road Safety Week after his 23-year-old daughter Sarah was tragically killed in a car crash 10 years ago.

Attending a special screening of Roslind’s story which is now airing on television and radio as well as social media, Mr Frazer stressed the importance of drivers choosing to drive to the speed limit, to not get distracted by mobile phones or passengers, to not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and to not drive when tired.

“These are all active choices we need to make every time we sit in the driver’s seat to ensure everyone on the road gets home safely, every day with no exceptions,” Mr Frazer said.

“I would like to thank Roslind for sharing her story and commend the Road Safety Commission for their ongoing support of National Road Safety Week.”

“I look forward to returning in 2023 when WA hosts National Road Safety Week.”

To hear Roslind’s story as well as the stories of other road trauma survivors who have shared their experience through Life Toll, visit the Road Safety Commission website and the Life Toll page.

group of three people for National Road Safety Week
Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner with Roslind and Peter Frazer OAM.

Media contact: Stacey Coppack, Media Adviser - 0467 802 855

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