A digitised future for Western Australia

News story
The Digital Industries Acceleration Strategy launched to support digitalisation of local businesses and industries
Last updated:
DIAS strategy announcement tile

Currently Western Australia’s digital sector and their providers employ over 60,000 workers, with its workforce is growing 2.6 times faster than WA’s total workforce.

Innovation and the Digital Economy Minister Stephen Dawson is quoted saying “When businesses digitalise, they become more competitive with research showing highly digitally engaged businesses earn 60 per cent more revenue per employee.

“Embracing digital transformation helps local businesses to increase productivity, competitiveness and resilience.” 

WA: Digitally Evolved is the Digital Industries Acceleration Strategythat will support the growth of our State's rapidly expanding digital sector and the digitalisation of businesses across the economy. The aim is to build on our world leading capabilities in areas such as robotics, automation and remote operations.

Developed in consultation with the industry it calls out 3 goals and 5 priority areas:

Digital Industries Acceleration Strategy Goals and Areas