Contractor fined for unauthorised mining

News story
A contractor has been fined $38,000, ordered to pay costs of $5000 and granted a spent conviction after pleading guilty in the South Hedland Courthouse to illegal sand mining in Pippingarra near Port Hedland.
Last updated:

The contractor was charged under the Mining Act 1978 with mining on land without authorisation, an offence carrying a maximum penalty of $150,000.

On 1 July 2022, a tenement owner discovered approximately 7,000 cubic metres of sand had been excavated and stockpiled on an existing tenement and the neighbouring reserve.

A Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) investigation revealed that between May and June 2022, the contractor used his own and hired machinery to conduct illegal sand mining operations on the lease.

Two of the contractors’ employees had also worked onsite with the intent to mine 10,000 cubic metres of sand to fulfil a contract valued at $120,000.

DEMIRS Executive Director of Resource and Environmental Compliance, Tyler Sujdovic, emphasised the importance of complying with the appropriate approvals.

“Mining without authorisation undermines the rights of tenement holders and disrupts regulated industry practices,” Mr Sujdovic said.

“The Mining Act ensures resources are managed responsibly and fairly, and that offenders will be held accountable for breaches.

The department will continue to enforce compliance with mining regulations and prosecute any illegal activities.”

Mr Sujdovic encouraged members of the public and industry stakeholders to report any suspected unauthorised mining or non-compliance activities to DEMIRS.

Reports of non-compliance for mining, exploration or prospecting in Western Australia can be submitted online.

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