Consumer complaints mount against Albany shed seller – warning issued (Aussie Sheds Albany / Armand Javellana)

Media release
Consumer Protection is warning consumers about an Albany shed seller who appears to have accepted a large amount of money in deposits and full payments but has failed to deliver.
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Consumer Protection is warning consumers about an Albany shed seller who appears to have accepted a large amount of money in deposits and full payments but has failed to deliver.

In the past week, Consumer Protection has received 19 complaints against Armand Javellana, trading as Aussie Sheds Albany, from customers who claim to have paid a total of $226,000 but construction of their sheds is incomplete or has not commenced. Other people who may be affected are urged to come forward.

Commissioner for Consumer Protection Lanie Chopping said the number of people affected and the large amounts involved so far is concerning.

“At this stage it is vital that all consumers who have either paid deposits or the full amount for sheds that have yet to be constructed get in touch with us so we can determine the extent of the financial detriment involved,” Ms Chopping said.

“Customers have expressed concerns to us about delays to their projects and have reported having difficulty in contacting the business. We have visited the Albany premises of the business and found that it appears to be closed.

“Mr Javellana has not yet responded to our attempts to conciliate the complaints and to ascertain the financial position of the business.

“Until our enquiries are complete and while the current complaints remain unresolved, we would recommend that consumers do not engage the services of Aussie Sheds Albany.

“Affected consumers who have paid by credit card but not received any goods or services, should consider contacting their credit card provider and requesting a chargeback.”

Consumers in the Great Southern or any other area of WA who have paid money for a shed but have yet to have the work completed, are urged to lodge an online complaint on the Consumer Protection website or contact us by email or by calling 1300 30 40 54.


Media Contact: Alan Hynd, (08) 6552 9248 / 0429 078 791 /  

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