Climate science guide for Western Australia now live

News story
Our Climate Science Initiative team has created a simple-to-use guide to assist the public to access useful climate information.
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With so many different sources of climate data having been developed and released over recent years, it can be difficult and confusing to navigate an ever-changing landscape of complex information.

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation's Climate Science Initiative, in conjunction with the National Environmental Science Program’s Climate Systems Hub has developed a guide to climate science resources for Western Australia

The guide delivers updated climate information that is simple to use and relevant for Western Australia.

The catalogue of resources is designed to provide clarity and help Western Australians navigate their way through climate data using a simple catalogue,  to assist users to select the best sources for their purposes.

This catalogue lists the main resources currently available that deliver information relevant for Western Australia.

The Climate Science Initiative is a flagship program in our Climate Division’s Adaptation Team. Its cutting-edge work to produce the most detailed and comprehensive Western Australian climate change projections to 2100 is facilitated through use of five climate models.

The project is being led by our Climate Science Initiative in partnership with the New South Wales Government, Murdoch University and the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre. 

This modelling and its projections are critical to help all levels of government as well as industry and the community to respond to the impacts of climate change across sectors including health, energy infrastructure, emergency services and regional development.

View the guide to climate science resources for Western Australia.