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Projects share $34 million in funding to help diversify WA's economy, attract investment, and create jobs
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The WA Government has awarded $34 million across 3 projects to aid in the decarbonising of the State’s economy. 

The projects are funded through the Investment Attraction Fund’s (IAF) New Energies Industries Funding Stream, which received $60 million to support new energies projects last year. 

The New Energies Industries Funding Stream provides support to projects that aim to significantly reduce WA's greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining the fund's core goal of encouraging new investment in WA, job creation and diversification of the state's economy.  

The latest recipients will deliver projects focussed on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the critical minerals sector.  

International Graphite Ltd (IG) has been awarded $4 million to fast-track the Springdale Graphite Resource for IG's Collie downstream processing facilities and to develop the next stages of technology and processes required to produce critical battery materials.

POSCO Co Ltd and Port Hedland Iron Pty Ltd has received $15 million for its Port Hedland Iron Project. The project aims to decarbonise the steel manufacturing supply chain with production of low carbon hot briquette iron for export to the Asian market.

Pilbara Minerals Ltd has been granted $15 million for its demonstration-scale plant that incorporates an industrial-scale electric spodumene calciner, which converts critical mineral concentrates into high-value battery precursors.

The program has previously supported energy industry projects across WA, including a high purity alumina plant for high-tech battery cells, a renewable diesel biorefinery, an electrolyser and hydrogen refuelling station network, and an advanced solar manufacturing facility.

Learn more about the Investment Attraction Fund and the recipients

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