Alistair Jones formally appointed as Director General

News story
The State Government has confirmed the formal appointment of Alistair Jones to the position of Director General of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. It comes after a merit-based recruitment process run by the Public Sector Commission.
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Mr Jones joined DWER as Acting Director General in January 2024 from the Department of Treasury, where he was Assistant Under Treasurer of the Economic Business Unit. His leadership roles also include a stint as Acting Director General of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation in 2023.

Water Minister Simone McGurk said: “I have been impressed by Alistair’s drive and commitment to safeguarding our precious water resources, in programs such as Healthy Estuaries WA and the Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan Waterwise Perth action plan.”

Environment and Climate Action Minister Reece Whitby said: “Alistair has provided important leadership this year as our Government has undertaken significant environmental approvals reforms.”

Read the Ministers’ Media statement.

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