Additional life-saving devices within reach at Communities workplaces

News story
More than 100 Automated External Defibrillators have been supplied to Communities locations across the state.
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Photo of two female Communities staff members with a defibrillator machine

Image: First Aid Officer Denise Hackland and Work Health and Safety Senior Consultant Caroline Chhikara, both from Communities Geraldton office, with an Automated External Defibrillator recently delivered to the workplace.

About 106 Heartsine 360P Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have been supplied across Department of Communities workplaces around Western Australia, ensuring all locations across the state now have access to these life-saving devices.

Acting Assistant Director Work Health and Safety Brendan Ryan said installing the devices was in response to near miss investigations and hazards raised to Communities’ Operational Health and Safety Committee.

“The AEDs were installed at those locations identified to not have a device already and ensures all our employees have access to life-saving equipment in the event of a cardiac related emergency within or nearby one of our facilities,” he said.

The defibrillators can save the lives of people experiencing cardiac arrest who are unconscious, not breathing and have no pulse.

They are fully automated, which means anyone can use them and no training is required, and provide audio and visual CPR coaching, giving step-by-step instructions to the person administering aid.

The device will state when it is going to shock the patient and when to continue administering CPR. If the patient is unresponsive, please call 000.