The 2024-25 Budget reflects Western Australia’s strong economy, rapidly growing population and record employment.
The State’s Budget continues to be in a strong position. A $3.2 billion operating surplus is expected in 2023-24 with a $2.6 billion surplus forecast for 2024-25. These surpluses play a critical role in funding the Government’s record investment in infrastructure and keeping net debt affordable and substantially lower than all other States.
Key initiatives in the Budget include:
a record $762 million cost of living support package, including a $400 electricity credit for every household; $1.1 billion in new investment to boost housing supply and affordability; a record $3.2 billion investment in the State’s health system; $1.8 billion to diversify and decarbonise WA’s economy; and $1.3 billion to boost education and training.
The Budget Papers are available on the Our State Budget website.