2023–24 Water and Environmental Regulation Annual report

News story
Our 2023–24 annual report tells of how we are working together with government, industry and community for a low-carbon Western Australia, a healthy environment and secure water resources for future generations.
Last updated:
DWER annual report cover

Our annual report presents our achievements, reports on our operations, and details our financial statements.

Highlights include:

  • Release of the Climate Adaptation Strategy to ensure our communities, environment and economy are
    resilient to future climate change.
  • Delivery of the Sectoral emissions reduction strategy for Western Australia, setting out pathways
    and priority actions for the state’s transition to net zero emissions.
  • Approval of the first project under the Green Energy Approvals Initiative established to provide a streamlined pathway for renewable energy projects. 
  • More than 154 million single-use coffee cups already saved from landfill in Phase 2 of our Plan for Plastics, which is phasing out more single-use plastics. 
  • $12.5 million donated to charities and community organisations in through Containers for Change. A total of 3.39 billion containers have been recycled since the scheme started in 2020.
  • The ban on e‑waste to landfill in effect from 1 July 2024 to help WA move towards its goal of becoming a low-waste, circular economy.
  • Significant progress in the reform of our environmental approvals system, which will reduce timeframes and better address stakeholder priorities, while ensuring the state’s unique environment is protected.

Please contact us to obtain a copy of the annual report in an alternative format.

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