Government Architect Western Australia

Better places, by design
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The Government Architect Western Australia provides design leadership and strategic advice to enhance the quality of our built environment and ensure that good design is at the centre of all development and major projects.

The Government Architect provides expert and independent advice to the Premier and Minister for Planning on key Government projects and developments and works with key stakeholders to create a distinctive built environment.

Government Architect – Emma Williamson

Photograph of Government Architect – Emma Williamson

Emma Williamson was appointed Government Architect for Western Australia in February 2024.

The Government Architect provides design leadership and strategic advice to enhance the quality of the built environment and ensure that good design is at the centre of all development for the benefit of the Western Australian community.

In this role, Emma provides independent, expert advice on significant projects and strategic planning to State Government, the Premier and Minister for Planning.

Recognised nationally for her skills in design review, Emma was a member of the Western Australian and South Australian State Design Review Panels, as well as the Chair of several local government Design Review Panels prior to her appointment as Government Architect.

Now as Chair of the State Design Review Panel, Emma plays a significant role in the design evaluation of major and city-changing projects.

Emma is Co-founder and a former Partner at award-winning creative consultancy TheFulcrum.Agency, with almost three decades of architectural experience in the design and delivery of projects at all scales, in both the public and private sector. Projects that Emma has worked on include Boola Bardip WA Museum, Murdoch University's Boola Katitjin, and Karratha’s Super Clinic.

She holds degrees in architecture, interior design and business, has written work appearing in national and international publications, and has been regularly invited to present to the government and public on topics such as design, gender equity, leadership, and practice management.

A highly credentialled architect, Emma was named a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects in recognition of her contribution to the profession beyond architectural practice in 2022 and awarded the RAIA Paula Whitman Leadership in Gender Equity Prize in 2023.

Barbara Gdowski – Principal Associate to the Government Architect

Barbara has a Bachelor of Architecture (University of Western Australia) and has been working for 30 years within the built form and land development industries as an executive manager, design practitioner, senior development manager, and client representative for both the public and private sector.  Barbara was responsible for establishing the State Design Review Panel, a state government initiative which aims to prioritise quality design for major and significant projects. Barbara’s past roles have focused on optimising design quality for a range of award-winning projects for which she was responsible, including the Knutsford redevelopment precinct, as part of the LandCorp (now DevelopmentWA) team. Barbara’s core interest is to contribute in a meaningful way to improving the quality of the built environment. 

Government Architects Network of Australia

The Government Architect Western Australia is a member of the Government Architects Network of Australia (GANA) which is a network of State Government Architects from around Australia.


Government Architect of New South Wales

Victorian Office of the Government Architect

Office for Design and Architecture South Australia

Office of Queensland Government Architect

Contact Us

Government Architect Western Australia
PO Box 2506 Perth, Western Australia  6001
(08) 6551 8002 - please ask for the Executive Assistant to the Government Architect.

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