Significant Development Applications
View Part 11B and Part 17 significant development applications listed by local government area.
Application status reference
Application lodged: Development application lodged under the Planning and Development Act 2005 (Part 11B or Part 17).
Open for comment: Consultation open for community and stakeholders to provide feedback.
Under assessment: Consultation complete. Application undergoing assessment.
WAPC Meeting: Agenda available for WAPC meeting at which application will be considered.
Determined: Results of WAPC determination.
Withdrawn: Application withdrawn.
View consultations open for comment and being determined by the WAPC
Applications are listed by local government area below.
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a resort with 121 rooms, restaurant, bar, function centre, gym and spa, and a village with 51 villas, 4 townhouses, 25 apartments and a shop.
Address: Lots 501, 502 and 504 Reef Drive, Lot 503 Seagrass Place and Lot 783 Mitchell Drive, Gnarabup and reserved land, Lot 5487 Seagrass Place, Lots 701, 8001 and 5484 Wallcliffe Rd, Lot 502 and unconstructed road on Mitchell Drive.
Application status - Under assessment
Application Details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
As this application is undergoing a review by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), it will be determined by the WAPC once the review is complete and the Minister for Environment has made a decision on whether the proposal can proceed. For more information about the review, please see the EPA website.
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
1. Why is the WAPC the determining authority for this application?
The application has been lodged under Part 17 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (PD Act), which has temporarily established the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) as the decision-making authority for significant development applications to support the State’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find out more about the pathway on the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway page.
2. How will the application be assessed?
The development application will undergo a transparent and rigorous assessment by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, including design review, extensive public consultation and referrals to relevant stakeholders including the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.
This assessment will focus on matters such as design quality, building height and density, visual and environmental impacts, bushfire management, Aboriginal heritage, coastal erosion, servicing (noting the capacity and location of Gnarabup’s wastewater treatment plant), parking and traffic impacts, landscaping and public access to the beach.
Read more about consultation in the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway FAQ.
3. How does a review by the Environmental Protection Authority impact the development assessment process?
Proposals likely to have a significant effect on the environment, referred to as “significant proposals”, are referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for environmental impact assessment. Once the EPA has received a valid referral, it invites public comments on whether or not it should assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment.
View the EPA assessment process.
Assessment of an application for significant development can continue while a review is undertaken by the EPA, including consultation with the public and relevant State and local government stakeholders.
However, the Western Australian Planning Commission is constrained from making a decision on the application until the EPA has completed its review and the Minister for Environment has made a decision about whether the proposed development should be allowed to proceed. The Commission is unable to make a decision that would be contrary to any Ministerial Statement issued in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
4. What is the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) review process?
In December 2021, the EPA determined to assess the Gnarabup hotel, commercial and residential development proposal at the level of Public Environmental Review (PER).
The next step will be for the proponent to submit an Environmental Scoping Document for the review, which will be subject to a two-week public review period and EPA approval. An Environmental Review Document will then be prepared, and once accepted by the EPA, released for a four-week public review period.
The EPA will then begin drafting its assessment report to the Minister for Environment, which will include recommendations about whether or not the proposal should be implemented, and if so, any implementation conditions. The EPA’s report is subject to appeal by the applicant or a community member. The Minister for Environment will ultimately determine whether the proposal should be allowed to proceed under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
More information can be found at the EPA Gnarabup Tourism Development website.
5. If I make a submission on the development application, will my comments be shared with the EPA?
No, submissions to the WAPC are confidential and will not be provided to the EPA. Similarly, the EPA will not provide public submissions on the PER process to the WAPC.
The development application assessment and PER are independent processes under separate legislation, so individual submissions need to be made to the WAPC and EPA on the material that is being advertised by each agency for public comment.
6. How do I make a submission if I cannot do so using the Department’s online Consultation Hub platform?
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage strongly encourages interested parties to lodge a submission through the Consultation Hub to ensure it is received and properly recorded. You do not have to create an account to make an online submission, you can add attachments to your submission and your submission is confidential. If you have digital access issues that prevent you from doing so, please contact the Department on 6551 9450 for assistance. You can also post your written submission to: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, State Development Assessment Unit, Locked Bag 2506, Perth WA 6001.
7. When will this application be determined?
There are no timeframes under the temporary significant development assessment pathway for the WAPC to determine an application.
Once a meeting date is confirmed, everyone who made a submission will be advised and can attend the meeting in person or virtually via Zoom and also can apply to be considered to make a presentation to the WAPC.
City of Belmont
Artist impression only
The amendment application proposes minor changes to balcony shapes and an increase in the useable space of balconies on level one, increased ceiling heights, a reduction in the height of glazing on all levels, and minor amendments to apartment layouts and ground floor amenities. No modifications are proposed to the approved building height.
Application status - Amendment application
Application Details
The outcome of the amendment application will be available here once determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
Minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 23 March 2023 are available below.
City of Bunbury
Lots 17, 30 and 31 Vittoria Road, corner Forrest Highway, Glen Iris
Value $26m
City of Busselton
Artist impression only.
The development application proposes a four-storey residential apartment building with 20 one-bedroom apartments and 10 two-bedroom apartments, communal areas, parking and landscaping.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes short stay accommodation and a reception centre, with 10 chalets, a five-bedroom holiday house, eight seasonal camping sites and a manager's residence.
Application status - Open for comment
Application details
Artist impression only.
The development application proposes bulky goods showrooms and a restaurant/café, and associated parking, landscaping and amenities.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A Statutory Planning Committee meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a tourist resort with a 65-room hotel and 36-platform campground, 61 houses, community facilities including a surf life-saving club and tourist centre, and retail with food and beverage venues and a liquor store.
Application status - Under assessment
Application Details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
As this application is undergoing a review by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), it will be determined by the WAPC once the review is complete and the Minister for Environment has made a decision on whether the proposal can proceed. For more information about the review, please see the EPA website.
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five days before the meeting.
1. Why is the WAPC the determining authority for this application?
The application has been lodged under Part 17 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (PD Act), which has established the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) as the decision-making authority for significant development applications to support the State’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find out more about the pathway on the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway page.
2. How will the application be assessed?
The development application will undergo a transparent and rigorous assessment by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), including design review, extensive public consultation and referrals to relevant stakeholders including the City of Busselton, the Health Department of Western Australia, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.
This assessment will focus on matters such as design quality, building height and density, visual and environmental impacts, bushfire management, Aboriginal heritage, coastal erosion, servicing, parking and traffic impacts, landscaping and public access to the beach.
Read more about consultation in the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway FAQ.
3. How does a review by the Environmental Protection Authority impact the development assessment process?
Proposals likely to have a significant effect on the environment, referred to as “significant proposals”, are referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for environmental impact assessment. Once the EPA has received a valid referral, it invites public comments on whether or not it should assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment.
View the EPA assessment process.
Assessment of an application for significant development can continue while a review is undertaken by the EPA, including consultation with the public and relevant State and local government stakeholders.
However, the Western Australian Planning Commission is unable to make a decision on the application that would allow the proposal to proceed until the EPA has completed its assessment and the Minister for Environment has made a decision about whether the proposal may be implemented. The Commission is unable to make a decision that would be contrary to any Ministerial Statement issued in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
4. What is the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) review process?
In May 2022, the EPA determined to assess the current proposal at the level of Public Environmental Review (PER). The next step will be for the proponent to submit an Environmental Scoping Document for the review, which will be subject to a two-week public review period and EPA approval. An Environmental Review Document will then be prepared, and once accepted by the EPA, released for a four-week public review period.
The EPA will then begin drafting its assessment report to the Minister for Environment, which will include recommendations about whether or not the proposal should be implemented, and if so, any implementation conditions. The EPA’s report is subject to appeal. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Minister for Environment will ultimately determine whether the proposal should be implemented, and if so, any conditions that should apply.
More information can be found at the EPA Smiths Beach Project, Yallingup – Coastal Tourism Village page.
5. Has the EPA assessed any other proposals for this site?
Yes, in 2009 the EPA released EPA Report 1318 (EPA1318) regarding its assessment of a conceptual proposal (”strategic proposal”) for the site. Ministerial Statement 831 (MS831) was issued in 2010 providing conditions which may be applied to development proposals derived from the strategic proposal (“derived proposal”). MS831 required, among other matters, that 20.97 hectares of the site be incorporated into the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park prior to any subdivision or development. This has not progressed to any derived proposals to date, and lapsed in June 2020. A request to extend this approval is being considered separately by the EPA. If a time extension is approved by the Minister for Environment, and a proposal is referred to the EPA and requested to be considered as a derived proposal, MS831 conditions may be applied by the Minister.
The current development application for the Smiths Beach Tourism Village has been referred to the EPA as a new proposal and will be assessed on its merits. While the current Public Environmental Review is separate from the previous EPA assessment, the findings of EPA1318 and MS831 on the previous strategic proposal will be considered in the EPA’s assessment of the new proposal.
6. If I make a submission on the development application, will my comments be shared with the EPA?
No, submissions to the WAPC will not be provided to the EPA.
The development application assessment and PER are independent processes under separate legislation, so individual submissions need to be made to the WAPC and EPA on the material that is being advertised by each agency for public comment.
7. How do I make a submission if I cannot do so using the Department’s online Consultation Hub platform?
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage strongly encourages interested parties to lodge a submission through the Consultation Hub to ensure it is received and properly recorded. You do not have to create an account to make an online submission, you can add attachments and your submission is confidential. If you have digital access issues that prevent you from doing so, please contact the Department on 6551 9450 for assistance. You can also email your submission to or post your written submission to:
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage,
State Development Assessment Unit,
Locked Bag 2506, Perth WA 6001.
8. When will this application be determined?
There are no timeframes under the temporary significant development assessment pathway for the WAPC to determine an application.
Once a meeting date is confirmed, everyone who made a submission will be advised and can attend the meeting in person or virtually via Zoom and also can apply to be considered to make a presentation to the WAPC.
Town of Cambridge
Artist impression only.
The application proposes one four-storey building with 24 independent living units in the existing Ocean Gardens Retirement Village, two apartment buildings up to six storeys with 31 dwellings on Lot 560 within Ocean Mia Estate, and associated basement parking, communal facilities and landscaping.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only.
The application proposes thirty-five residential apartments and two commercial tenancies.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A Statutory Planning Committee meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only.
The application proposes a mixed-use redevelopment of the Ocean Village site with buildings ranging in height from 3 storeys up to the equivalent of 23 storeys, including apartments, a supermarket, tavern, small bar, liquor store, retail, pharmacy, offices, food and beverage, medical centre, gym, village green and parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 20 March 2025. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artists Impression only
- Rearranging the internal layout of the building to better suit the hospital’s needs.
- Reducing the height of the lift overrun from 10.1 metres to 5.8 metres.
- Providing additional roof plant enclosures to the southern side of the building.
- A new pedestrian bridge between the clinical block building and the existing North Block ward.
- The addition of a dirty lift adjacent to the existing North Block ward for removal of medical waste.
- Relocation of the open air courtyard and terrace from level 6 to level 8.
Application status - Amendment under assessment
Application details
Public comment on this amendment application has closed and the application is now under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders and local government will be considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 11 May 2023 are available below.
Media Statement - $311m St John of God Subiaco expansion approved
City of Canning
Artist impression only
The amendment application proposes installation of chain-link fencing around pitches 3 and 4. No changes are proposed to the football centre building.
Application status - Amendment under assessment
Application details
Public comment on this amendment application has closed and the application is now under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders and local government will be considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 4 March 2021 are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes page
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC. See details below.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of determination |
Amendments to Conditions for Additional Use/Access | Amend conditions to allow existing Consulting Rooms (Physiotherapy) to be used by external physiotherapy customers as well as football centre patrons, and portable signage for the business. | 19 March 2024 |
Town of Claremont
Artist impression only.
The development application proposes a three-storey residential apartment building with nine apartments, basement parking and landscaping.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A Statutory Planning Committee meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only
The proponent has applied to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) seeking a review of a number of conditions of the development approval granted by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) at its meeting on 1 June 2023. These conditions relate to:
- minor amendments to the approved development plans
- re-allocation of basement car parking bays
- plot ratio restrictions for 'Residential Building' land uses
- tenure arrangements over the 'library forecourt' land
- arrangements relating to areas of community benefit
- Green Star design and construction requirements
Application status - SAT Review - WAPC reconsideration
Application details
The SAT invited the WAPC to reconsider its decision (i.e. conditions of approval) on or before 28 October 2024.
At the 17 October meeting where the WAPC reconsidered the specified conditions, members approved the amendments as recommended in the agenda.
The WAPC’s reconsideration will now be referred to the SAT which will determine the next step in the application.
The eventual outcome of the SAT application will be shared on this page. For interim updates, please contact the SAT (Reference DR 109/2023).
A recording of the meeting can be viewed via the link below, and the minutes will be available via the same link in five to 10 business days.
The minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 1 June 2023 are available below.
Artist impression only
The proponent has applied to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) seeking a review of Condition 30 of the development approval granted by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) at its meeting on 16 May 2024 relating to the payment of car parking cash in-lieu to the Town of Claremont.
Application status - SAT Review
Application details
The outcome of the application will be shared here. For updates on this matter, please contact the SAT.
Minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 16 May 2024 are available below.
256 Stirling Highway, Claremont
Value $46.3m
1 and 3 Franklin Street and 119, 123 and 139 Claremont Crescent, Swanbourne
Value $33m
City of Cockburn
Artist impression only
The development application proposes the expansion of Cockburn Gateway Shopping Centre, additional parking facilities, a dining and entertainment hub, public spaces, apartments, townhouses, offices, a hotel and a showroom.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 28 October 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
The WAPC approved amendments to the development approval on 5 September 2024. Minutes will be available on the link above within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a wharf extension, land reclamation, dredging and associated works.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 15 July 2021. Minutes are available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Town of Cottesloe
94 Marine Parade, Cottesloe
Value: $75m

Artist impression only.
The development application proposes a mixed-use building up to 17 storeys with 125 apartments, a 128-room hotel, commercial tenancies and basement parking.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
Artist impression only
The application proposes a seven-storey building with 12 apartments and a café/restaurant.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 5 August 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
The WAPC approved amendments to the development approval on 20 October 2022 and 17 August 2023, the minutes of which are available on the link above.
Artist impression only
This development application proposes a seven storey apartment building with a restaurant.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 17 August 2023. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 22 June 2023. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Town of East Fremantle
Artist impression only
This development application proposes 95 apartments, a café, office, basement parking and public open space.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 11 May 2023. Minutes of the meeting will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Media Statement - $85m East Fremantle residential development approved
Artist impression only
The amendment application proposed extending by 18 months the period by which the approved development must be substantially commenced, changing the approved land uses of ‘Hotel’ and ‘Artisanal Food and Beverage Production’ to ‘Tavern’, internal alterations to the hotel including converting the upper floor hotel rooms to a function space and minor modifications to the basement, lower ground and ground floors. Minor internal alterations were proposed to the apartment building but no change was proposed to the building height.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This amendment application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 11 April 2024. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artists impression only
The development application proposes a Residential Aged Care Facility with 160 beds, basement parking, café, wellness centre and two supported independent living dwellings each catering for three residents and a carer.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 14 December 2023. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
City of Fremantle
28 (Lot 1) Cantonment Street, Fremantle
Value $65m
Artist impression only
The development application proposes to replace the Fremantle Traffic Bridge with a new bridge that includes four lanes for vehicle traffic, a principal shared path, pedestrian footpath and public realm improvements.
Address: Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle
Local Government: City of Fremantle
Value: $280m
Application status - Determined
Application details
This application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 2 May 2024.
Minutes will be available below within five to 10 days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
The application proposes a six-storey development with a 100-bed hotel, two office tenancies, one shop/office tenancy and associated car parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 22 July 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of Determination |
Extend substantial commencement period | Extend substantial commencement period to 4 August 2024 | 9 February 2023 |
Modifications to floor plans, façade, landscaping and parking | Minor modifications to floor plans, façade, landscaping and parking | 12 September 2023 |
City of Greater Geraldton
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a vanadium processing facility with materials storage and laydown areas, evaporation ponds, internal access roads, two new entry points to Geraldton-Mount Magnet Road, a construction camp and energy infrastructure.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage undertook joint consultation with the City of Greater Geraldton on the development application and a scheme amendment for the site.
The purpose of the Scheme Amendment is to rezone a portion of Lots 40 and 41 from the ‘Rural’ to the ‘General Industry’ zone and insert additional development requirements for the site within the scheme.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and the scheme amendment and development application are under assessment.
In the case of the development application, feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website at least five business days before the meeting.
What is proposed?
The proposed vanadium processing plant is located within a portion of Lots 41 and 42 Geraldton-Mt Magnet Road, Tenindewa (subject site). The plant has various components including energy generation, groundwater extraction, pre-treatment and wastewater management. The plant would receive vanadium concentrate initially from a mine site located near Meekatharra to produce a 99% pure V2O5 flake vanadium product ready for export and further processing. The processed vanadium would be used in the manufacture of a range of products including renewable energy batteries, aerospace parts as well as alloy steels used in construction and tools. An iron-titanium co-product would be exported to overseas steel mills. Export is via road to the Geraldton Port with a future option for rail.
The proposed plant consists of:
- A vanadium pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing plant;
- Concentrate and materials storage and laydown areas;
- Processing and evaporation ponds;
- Internal access roads as well as two new entry points from Geraldton-Mount Magnet Road and Erangy Springs Road, which will separate heavy vehicles from light vehicles;
- A temporary construction camp and associated activities;
- Energy infrastructure comprising a stand-alone power plant (being a hybrid of gas and renewable solar power) with installed power capacity of 11.5MW (provision is made for the future installation of Vanadium Redox Flow batteries for energy storage);
- Ground water extraction bores, reticulation, storage and treatment; and
- Ground water monitoring bores.
The application prepared by Land Insights on behalf of Australian Vanadium Limited (AVL) is seeking approval for this facility via an application for development approval that has been lodged with the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Supporting the application is a separate process to amend the City of Greater Geraldton’s Local Planning Scheme No. 1.
Why is a processing facility being proposed in this location?
AVL has advised that the site between Mullewa and Geraldton Port was chosen following a multi-criteria assessment undertaken over several years, taking into account commercial, operating and environmental considerations. AVL has advised that this location provides for an overall lower impact at the mine site while providing for local business and employment opportunities in a stable environment covering the greater Geraldton and Mullewa areas.
Why has a development application been submitted to the WAPC for this site?
A development application for the proposed processing plant has been lodged by Land Insights on behalf of AVL under Part 17 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (PD Act), which established the WAPC as the decision-making authority for significant development applications to support the State’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. See here for more information about the Part 17 process.
What is the purpose of the scheme amendment?
The proposed processing plant is classified as an ‘Industry’ land use which is not a permitted use on the subject site, because it is zoned ‘Rural’ under the City of Greater Geraldton Local Planning Scheme No. 1 (LPS1). To progress consideration of the proposed processing plant the applicant has prepared a scheme amendment report which proposes to rezone the area of the site that is being developed from ‘Rural’ to ‘General Industry’. If the scheme is amended, the proposed plant would be classified as a permitted use within the ‘General Industry’ zone if it complies with any relevant development standards and requirements of LPS1.
On 26 April 2023 the City of Greater Geraldton council resolved to initiate and advertise the proposed local planning scheme amendment. The WAPC determined the amendment is suitable for advertising on 9 August 2023.
Has the proposal been referred to the Environmental Protection Authority?
In April 2022, AVL referred the proposed processing plant to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for assessment under Section 38 of Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). In July 2022, the EPA advised that the referral had been examined and it had determined that assessment under Part IV of the EP Act was not required. The EPA advised that any potential impacts of the proposal could be adequately managed through the implementation of the proposal in accordance with Part V of the EP Act which are a range of secondary approvals including works approvals, native vegetation clearing, water extraction license as well as waste treatment and removal. It further stated other potential environmental and non-environmental impacts could be considered and addressed by other statutory decision-making processes including the development application and building permit assessment processes.
Why is consultation on the scheme amendment and development application happening at the same time?
The scheme amendment and development application are being advertised at the same time by the City and the WAPC to avoid duplication and to assist the public and key stakeholders to provide well informed overall responses. As the scheme amendment and the development application are closely related, advertising the more detailed development application at the same time as the scheme amendment will help provide a better overall understanding of the potential benefits or possible impacts of the proposed plant. Whilst this level of detail is not typically available in a scheme amendment, the advertising both sets of plans provides a single place to view project information and plans, make a submission and find more information on both the scheme amendment and development application.
Can I make a submission on both the scheme amendment and the development application?
Yes, you can make a submission on either the scheme amendment or the development application, or both. The City and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Department) are hosting public advertising through the Department’s online Consultation Hub to simplify the joint consultation process. Using the online form will ensure submissions are received and are valid. You do not have to create an account to make an online submission, you can add attachments and all submissions received are considered by the decision-makers as confidential.
How do I make a submission if I cannot do so using the Department’s online Consultation Hub platform?
If you have digital access issues that prevent you from making a submission via the Consultation Hub, please contact the Department on 6551 9450 for assistance. You can also post a written submission to: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, State Development Assessment Unit, Locked Bag 2506, Perth WA 6001.
Will my submission or personal details be provided to the City of Greater Geraldton?
All submissions received on both the scheme amendment and the development application will be provided to the City.
Will my submission or personal details be released to the public?
No. A schedule of the submissions received will be provided to the City and WAPC, however individual names and addresses will not be part of the published materials.
How is the scheme amendment assessed and who decides whether it is approved?
The scheme amendment is required to be advertised for public comment in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015. It is important to emphasise that although council has resolved to initiate advertising of the scheme amendment, this does not indicate support for the scheme amendment until a full assessment has been undertaken and submissions received from the public have been considered.
Once advertising closes the City will consider all submissions received on the proposed scheme amendment and prepare a report for council recommending they either support (with or without modifications) or not proceed with the scheme amendment. The council meeting where the scheme amendment is considered will be open to the public and anyone who makes a submission on either the scheme amendment or the development application will be invited to attend.
This recommendation of council will then be provided to the WAPC to consider the proposal and then make a recommendation to the Minister for Planning, who will make the final decision.
How is the development application assessed and who makes a decision on whether it will be approved?
The Department will assess the proposal and prepare a report, along with a recommendation, for the WAPC. This assessment will focus on matters such as strategic planning and potential impacts on the environment, local amenity, traffic and bushfire management, and will also take into account submissions received during the advertising process. The report will either recommend that the application be approved (with or without conditions) or be refused.
Can the WAPC make a decision on the development application before the City makes a decision on the scheme amendment?
Yes, the WAPC can make a decision on the development application prior to the scheme amendment being finalised. As the amendment process can take longer than the time taken to determine a development application, the WAPC will consider the scheme amendment and the development application at separate meetings. However, in making any decision on the development application, the draft scheme amendment would be a relevant consideration on the basis that it has been advertised and is considered to be ‘seriously entertained’ planning document.
When will this application be determined?
There are no statutory timeframes to assess a development application under the temporary Part 17 significant development assessment pathway, however applications are required to be determined as soon as is reasonably practical. Once a meeting date is confirmed, any person who made a submission on either the scheme amendment or the development application will be advised and offered the opportunity to attend the meeting either in person or virtually via Zoom. They can also apply to make a presentation (deputation) to the WAPC.
Where can I get more information?
While public advertising is open, the scheme amendment and the development application can be viewed online at or in person at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Level 2, 140 William Street, Perth (by appointment) or at the City’s administration centres in either Geraldton or Mullewa. Alternatively, you can contact or 6551 9450 to make an appointment to speak with a planner at the DPLH office in Perth, or make any other enquiries.
Department planners will also be available at the City’s Geraldton office on 14 March and at the City’s Mullewa office on 15 March 2024 to answer questions about this development application and the Part 17 significant development assessment process.
Shire of Harvey
Artist impression only
The development application proposes mixed agriculture, manufacturing, indigenous tourism, café, restaurant, speciality shop, participant and staff accommodation, associated amenities and car parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 14 December 2023. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Shires of Irwin and Mingenew

Artist impression only
The development application proposes gas extraction from conventional wellheads and a central processing facility with ancillary infrastructure.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 28 November 2024. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
City of Joondalup
Artist impression only.
The development application proposes seven mixed-use buildings ranging from 7 to 25 storeys with a total of 1,042 apartments, 574m2 of commercial floor space and 1,510 basement parking bays.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a seven-storey residential apartment building comprising 83 multiple dwellings, basement parking, communal facilities and landscaping.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A Statutory Planning Committee meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only
The proposal is for an eight-storey building with 73 apartments, a restaurant, café, small liquor store and associated parking.
The amendment application proposes modifications to apartment layouts, landscaping, parking and service arrangements. The proposed changes would not have an impact on the approved building height, plot ratio or number of commercial or public parking bays.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application approved by the WAPC on 24 November 2022. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC. See details below.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of determination |
Modifications | The amendment application proposes modifications to apartment layouts, landscaping, parking and service arrangements. | 19 February 2024 |
City of Kalamunda
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a residential aged care facility with 81 beds adjoining the existing Sunshine Park Lifestyle Village also operated by Roshana Care Group.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A Statutory Planning Committee meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a supermarket, specialty shops including liquor store, restaurant/café and fast food outlets, medical centre, gym and associated parking and landscaping.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five days before the meeting.
Shires of Kojonup and Broomehill-Tambellup
Artist impression only
The proponent has applied to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) seeking a review of a number of conditions of the development approval granted by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) at its meeting on 19 April 2024. These conditions include:
- Radar-activated lighting
- The arrangements included in the Operational Management Plan to address aerial spraying and noise attenuation on nearby properties
- Timing of compliance with the Operational Management Plan
- Acoustic testing at existing dwellings.
Application status - SAT Review
Application details
The outcome of the application will be shared here. For updates on this matter, please contact the SAT.
Minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 19 April 2024 are available below.
1. Why has a new development application been lodged with the Western Australian Planning Commission for the Flat Rocks Wind Farm when the development has already been approved?
The application has been lodged under Part 17 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (PD Act), which established the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) as the decision-making authority for significant development applications to support the State’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Applicants have advised they are seeking approval from the WAPC on the basis that “the project spans a large area which is under the jurisdiction of two local governments. Recent difficulties with the coordination of approvals and the clearance of conditions have justified the need to obtain one approval that is overseen (including clearance of conditions) by one agency being the WAPC. This negates any divergence in administrative processes between the Shire of Kojonup and that of the Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel as the decision maker in the case of the Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup”.
Find out more about the pathway on the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway page.
2. Are there any changes to the location or design of any wind turbine infrastructure in the Part 17 application compared with the existing approved Flat Rocks Wind Farm?
No changes are proposed to the location or size of any wind turbines from those previously approved. There are also no changes to the location of the turbine infrastructure, including the maintenance building and substation.
Read more about consultation in the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway FAQ.
3. Is this development application being assessed as a new proposal?
Yes, the proposed Flat Rocks Wind Farm will be assessed as a new development application. This includes a rigorous assessment by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Department), including extensive public consultation and referrals to relevant stakeholders such as the shires of Kojonup and Broomehill- Tambellup, the Health Department of Western Australia, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.
4. How is the Development Application assessed and who makes a decision about whether it will be approved?
The Department will prepare a report for the WAPC on the outcomes of consultation and an assessment of the Development Application. This assessment will consider the potential impact of the development on such matters as visual amenity, noise, the environment, public health, bushfire management as well as any sites of Aboriginal heritage significance. The report will either recommend that the application be approved with conditions or that it be refused.
A meeting for the WAPC to determine the Development Application will then be scheduled. Once a meeting date is confirmed, any person who made a submission on the Application will be advised and can attend the meeting in person or virtually via Zoom. They can also apply to make a presentation (deputation) to the WAPC. There are no timeframes to determine an application.
5. What is the status of the existing approvals for the Flat Rocks Wind Farm?
The proposed development has multiple existing development approvals, which have been granted by the relevant local government or Joint Development Assessment Panel. Project construction has commenced under these approvals, with the civil works component now underway.
These existing development approvals will remain valid and works can continue, provided that they are in accordance with the existing approvals.
6. How do I make a submission if I cannot do so using the Department’s online Consultation Hub platform?
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage strongly encourages interested parties to lodge a submission through the Consultation Hub to ensure it is received and properly recorded. You do not have to create an account to make an online submission, you can add attachments to your submission and your submission is confidential. If you have digital access issues that prevents you from making a submission via the Consultation Hub, please contact the Department on 6551 9450 for assistance. You can also post your written submission to: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, State Development Assessment Unit, Locked Bag 2506, Perth WA 6001.
7. I made a submission to the Shire of Kojonup and/or Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup on previously advertised proposals for the Flat Rocks Wind Farm. Do I need to make another submission?
Yes, you will need to make a new submission. Submissions that have been made on previous wind farm applications to the shires of Kojonup or Broomehill-Tambellup are unable to be considered by the WAPC. However, making a submission through the Department’s online Consultation Hub is easy and using the online form will ensure submissions are received and are valid. See previous question for more information.
8. Will my submission or personal details be released to the public?
No. The key matters arising from public consultation will be summarised in the report to the WAPC, however individual names and addresses will not be published. A separate schedule of public submissions, outlining the submissions in full, will be provided to WAPC members as a confidential item.
9. When will this application be determined?
There are no timeframes under the temporary Part 17 significant development assessment pathway for the WAPC to determine an application.
Once a meeting date is confirmed, everyone who made a submission and provided an email address will be notified. People can attend the meeting in person or virtually via Zoom and also can apply to be considered to make a presentation to the WAPC.
10. Where can I get more information?
While public advertising is open, the Development Application can be viewed online at or in person at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Level 2, 140 William Street, Perth (by appointment) or at the Shires of Kojonup and Broomehill-Tambellup administration centres. Please contact or 6551 9450 for an appointment, or if you have any queries.
Department planners will also be available at the Shire of Kojonup and Broomehill- Tambellup administration centres from 16 to 17 May 2023 to answer questions about this development application and the Part 17 significant development assessment process.
11. When does the consultation period close?
Submissions will be accepted until 11.59pm on 2 June 2023.
City of Kwinana
Artist impression only.
The application proposes a neighbourhood centre including a supermarket with customer pick-up area, four retail tenancies, three drive-through fast food outlets, liquor store, medical centre, café with outdoor seating area and play space, and associated parking.
Application status - Open for comment
Application details
City of Mandurah
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a supermarket, shops, liquor store, child care premises, gym and associated car parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 24 June 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC. See details below.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of determination |
Amendment to Condition 2 | The application modified Condition 2 to enable the development to be constructed in two stages - Stage 1 including the construction of the shopping centre, car park and landscaping, and Stage 2 the remainder of the development (gym and child care centre). | 5 August 2022 |
Amendment to Conditions 2, 14 and 25 | The application increased the number of enrolment places at the child care premises from 72 to 88 and included minor changes to the built form of both the child care premises and health studio building. | 21 February 2023 |
City of Melville
Artists Impression only
The development application proposes an expansion of St John of God Murdoch Hospital with a 72-bed mental health facility, 826-bay multi-level carpark and internal road network modifications.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission at 21 March 2024. Minutes of the meeting are available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
The amendment application proposes extending by four years the period by which the approved development must be substantially commenced. No other changes to the approved development are proposed.
Application status - Amendment under assessment
Application details
Public comment on this amendment application has closed and the application is now under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 9 February 2023 are available below.
Town of Mosman Park
Artist impression only
The amendment application proposes modifications to some façade treatments, re-configuration of some apartment layouts, internal areas, amenities and service arrangements, an increase in plot ratio from 1.93 to 1.94 and a decrease in the number of apartments from 70 to 68. No modifications to the approved building height are proposed.
Application status - Amendment
Application details
The outcome of the amendment application will be available here once determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Minutes of the original development application approved by the WAPC on 10 August 2023 are available below.
Shire of Mount Magnet
(Please note, image is for illustrative purposes only and is not an accurate reflection of the proposed development)
Application status - Determined
Application details
The proposed Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant located 13km south of Mount Magnet will take natural gas from the Mid-West Gas Pipeline and convert to a liquid form prior to road transportation across the region.
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission, 5 November 2020.
Shire of Murray
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a supermarket and specialty shops including liquor store and pharmacy, takeaway food outlets, café, medical centre, office, child day care centre, and associated parking and landscaping.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 14 March 2024. Minutes of the meeting are available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
City of Nedlands
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a 19-storey student accommodation facility with 440 rooms and associated amenities, a shop and basement parking.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A Statutory Planning Committee meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a Hospital (Children’s Hospice) including seven patient rooms, three family suites, family and play areas, a quiet room, clinical areas, hydrotherapy and allied health spaces, staff work stations and meeting rooms.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 27 July 2023. Minutes will be available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes demolition of the existing Tawarri Reception Centre and development of a recreation facility (day spa), a restaurant/café and public realm, and landscape works.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 18 May 2023.
On 20 June 2024, the WAPC determined to amend condition 13 of the development approval by modifying the parking contribution amount to $200,000 and including provision for upgrades to drainage infrastructure within the Esplanade road reserve.
The minutes of both meetings are available below.
Artist impression only
The application proposes 80 aged care suites, basement parking, associated café and wellness centre.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 11 March 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes.
The WAPC approved a 24-month extension to the substantial commencement period of the approved development at its meeting on 8 December 2022, the minutes of which are available on the link above.
Shire of Northam
Artist impression only.
The development application proposes a new hydrogen generation facility and expansion of the existing solar farm.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five business days before the meeting.
City of Perth
Artist impression only
The development application proposes demolition of two existing buildings and construction of a four storey office building with basement car park.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved subject to conditions by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 29 April 2021. Minutes are available below within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a nine-storey student accommodation facility with 181 rooms and associated amenities, and basement parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 12 December 2024. Minutes are available within five and 10 business days of the meeting on this link.
City of Rockingham
Map showing extent of earthworks.
The development application proposes major earthworks to prepare a portion of the North East Baldivis Stage 1 area for future urban development.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) on 26 March 2025. Minutes of the meeting are available within five to 10 business days.
Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a motorsport facility with car and motorbike racing circuit, go-kart racing circuit, club room and main pit buildings, car storage building, racing control and medical building, helicopter landing area and associated parking and drainage infrastructure.
Application status - Under assessment
Application details
Public comment has closed and this development application is currently under assessment. Feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government and State agencies is being considered in order to inform a recommendation for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
As this application is undergoing a review by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), it will be determined by the WAPC once the review is complete and the Minister for Environment has made a decision on whether the proposal can proceed. For more information about the review, please see the EPA website.
A WAPC meeting to determine the application will be scheduled when the assessment is complete and all registered parties will be informed of the meeting date. Agenda papers will be published on this website a minimum of five days before the meeting.
1. Why is the WAPC the determining authority for this application?
The application has been lodged under Part 17 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (PD Act), which has established the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) as the decision-making authority for significant development applications to support the State’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find out more about the pathway on the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway page.
2. How will the application be assessed?
The development application will undergo a transparent and rigorous assessment by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), including design review, extensive public consultation and referrals to relevant stakeholders including the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.
This assessment will focus on matters such as design quality, environmental and noise impacts, bushfire management, drainage and servicing, parking and traffic impacts and vegetation and landscaping.
Read more about consultation in the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway FAQ.
3. How does a review by the Environmental Protection Authority impact the development assessment process?
Proposals likely to have a significant effect on the environment, referred to as “significant proposals”, are referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for environmental impact assessment. Once the EPA has received a valid referral, it invites public comments on whether or not it should assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment.
View the EPA assessment process.
Assessment of an application for significant development can continue while a review is undertaken by the EPA, including consultation with the public and relevant State and local government stakeholders.
However, the Western Australian Planning Commission is unable to make a decision on the application that would allow the proposal to proceed until the EPA has completed its assessment and the Minister for Environment has made a decision about whether the proposal may be implemented. The Commission is unable to make a decision that would be contrary to any Ministerial Statement issued in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
4. What is the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) review process?
In April 2020, the EPA determined to assess the proposal at the level of Public Environmental Review. The EPA prepared an Environmental Scoping Document to provide the proponent instructions on relevant information required for their Environmental Review Document (ERD). The preliminary environmental factors for the proposal are Social Surroundings (e.g. noise) and Inland waters. Other environmental factors considered include impacts comprising Flora and Vegetation, Terrestrial Fauna and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Once the EPA has approved the proponent’s ERD, it will be published on the EPA website for public comment for a two-week period.
An Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) document which provides an overview of the proposal’s potential impacts and proposed mitigation and management measures has been provided as part of the proponent’s development application which is available on this page during the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage’s public advertising period (18 August–16 September 2022).
Once these and further Environmental Impact Assessment steps are complete, the EPA will then begin drafting its assessment report to the Minister for Environment, which will include recommendations about whether or not the proposal should be implemented, and if so, any implementation conditions. The EPA’s report is subject to appeal. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Minister for Environment will ultimately determine whether the proposal should be implemented, and if so, any conditions that should apply.
More information can be found on the EPA web page, Keysbrook Motorsport Facility | EPA Western Australia
5. If I make a submission on the development application, will my comments be shared with the EPA?
No, submissions to the WAPC will not be provided to the EPA.
The development application assessment and PER are independent processes under separate legislation, so individual submissions need to be made to the WAPC and EPA on the material that is being advertised by each agency for public comment.
6. How do I make a submission if I cannot do so using the Department’s online Consultation Hub platform?
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage strongly encourages interested parties to lodge a submission through the Consultation Hub to ensure it is received and properly recorded. You do not have to create an account to make an online submission, you can add attachments and your submission is confidential. If you have digital access issues that prevent you from doing so, please contact the Department on 6551 9450 for assistance. You can also email your submission to or post your written submission to:
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage,
State Development Assessment Unit,
Locked Bag 2506, Perth WA 6001.
7. When will this application be determined?
There are no timeframes under the temporary significant development assessment pathway for the WAPC to determine an application.
Once a meeting date is confirmed, everyone who made a submission will be advised and can attend the meeting in person or virtually via Zoom and also can apply to be considered to make a presentation to the WAPC.
City of South Perth
Indicative image only
The application proposed a development of up to 15 storeys with apartments, shops, offices, cafes, a child care centre, medical and wellbeing consulting rooms, and redevelopment of the church.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 9 December 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
The WAPC approved amendments to the development approval on 20 June 2024. Minutes will be available on the link above within five to 10 business days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
The development application proposes 175 apartments, café/restaurant, offices and small bar.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 5 May 2022. Minutes are available below within 10 business days of the meeting.
Artist impression only
Application status - Determined
Application details
The Residential Apartments development at 8 Parker Street South Perth includes two apartment buildings comprising 29 residential dwellings and basement parking.
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 21 January 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of determination |
Amendment of Condition 17 | Amend Condition 17 of development approval in response to submission of additional acoustic information | 24 Feb 2022 |
Artist impression only
The development proposes a student accommodation facility including three buildings up to eight storeys with a total of 628 student rooms and associated amenities, three café/restaurants, a shop and basement parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 17 June 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available on the link below. Records of amendments approved by the WAPC are available in the table below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of determination |
Reconfigure basement and ground floor layout | Partial reconfiguration of basement and ground floor layouts, revisions to the landscape design and some changes to student rooms | 1 Nov 2021 |
Extend substantial commencement period | Extend substantial commencement period by 24 months | 11 May 2023 |
City of Stirling
Artist impression only
The application proposes a building with 68 apartments, three offices and associated parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 23 September 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
The WAPC approved an amendment to the development approval on 10 August 2023, the minutes of which are available on the link above.
Artist impression only.
The development application proposes a four-storey social housing development with 50 apartments, associated parking, communal areas and landscaping.
Application status - Open for comment
Application details
City of Subiaco
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a six storey building with 34 apartments and ground floor retail/hospitality.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 27 May 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 Significant development) agendas and minutes
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC. See details below.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of determination |
Floor Plan Modifications | Modifications to apartment configuration, floor plans and roof terrace. | 30 November 2022 |
City of Swan
Artist impression only
The development application proposes a stock feed grain mill incorporating two sheds for milling and packaging, an administration building, grain silos and associated infrastructure, access and parking.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 16 June 2022. Minutes are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 Significant development) agendas and minutes
Amendments to this development approval have been approved by the WAPC. See details below.
Amendment Title | Amendment Summary | Date of determination |
Relocate and expand sheds and silos | Move sheds and silos to the west, increase maximum height of structures and their capacity, and add basement pellet and dumping pits to sheds. | 5 July 2024 |
Shire of Three Springs
Indicative image only.
The development application proposes a gas processing facility that will process raw gas and pipe it west into the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline.
This proposal is also known as the West Erregulla Processing Plant and Pipeline.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 3 October 2024. Minutes of the meeting will be available on the link below within five to 10 days of the meeting.
Town of Victoria Park
Artist impression only.
The development application proposes a building with 85 apartments that have basement parking and one commercial tenancy with ground level parking.
Application status - Determined
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 12 December 2024. Minutes are available within five and 10 business days of the meeting on this link.
Artist impression only
The application proposes a four-storey aged care facility with 120 beds, a restaurant/café, basement parking and rooftop resident facilities.
Application status - Determined
Application details
The development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 25 March 2021. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
WAPC (Part 17 significant development) agendas and minutes
The WAPC approved an amendment to the development approval on 17 November 2022, the minutes of which are available on the link above.
City of Vincent
Indicative image only
The proponent has applied to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) for a review of the 27 June 2024 decision by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) to grant the concrete batching plant a conditional operation extension to December 2027. The SAT application (reference DR110/2024) seeks a review of the approval conditions relating to decommissioning and remediation activities. At a SAT Directions Hearing on 30 August 2024, the matter was referred to mediation commencing in mid-November. For updates on this matter, please contact the SAT. The outcome of the application will be shared here.
Application status - SAT Review
Application details
The minutes of the extension application approved by the WAPC on 27 June 2024 are available below.
Indicative image only.
The development application proposes continued operation of the Heidelberg Materials (Hanson) concrete batching plant beyond its current 30 June 2024 approved term to 30 June 2031, to allow for relocation.
Application status - Determined
Application details
This development application was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 27 June 2024. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
City of Wanneroo
Artist impression only.
The application proposes a supermarket, warehouse (self-lock storage) and car park for caravan storage, bulky goods showrooms, a childcare centre, gym, service station, fast food outlets and associated parking.
Application status - Open for comment
Application details
Thank you for your feedback!