State Planning Policy 3.7 Bushfire
State Planning Policy 3.7 Bushfire was published on 24 September 2024, operational from 18 November 2024, along with the Planning for Bushfire Guidelines.
State Planning Policy 3.7 - Bushfire
State Planning Policy 3.7 Bushfire
Planning for Bushfire Guidelines
State Planning Policy 3.7 Bushfire (SPP 3.7) was published on 24 September 2024, operational from 18 November 2024, along with the Planning for Bushfire Guidelines (the Guidelines).
The new SPP 3.7 and the Guidelines prioritise bushfire requirements early in the planning process and seeks to ensure that future housing delivery appropriately balances bushfire risk mitigation and environmental conservation measures.
The new policy seeks to implement effective, risk-based land use planning and development which in the first instance avoids the bushfire risk, but where unavoidable, manages and/or mitigates the risk to people, property and infrastructure to an acceptable level. The preservation of life and the management of bushfire impact are paramount.
Further information
Watch this space - new online training modules coming soon.
The Requirements for Bushfire Planning and Building Industry Accreditation Bodies have been updated (see the Explanatory Note below) and align with the new State Planning Policy 3.7 Bushfire and the Planning for Bushfire Guidelines to ensure consistency of information.
Strategic bushfire management plans
Useful contacts
Planning Policy and/or Accreditation
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
Land use planning policy team - Bushfire
Address140 William Street, Perth, Western Australia
Phone(08) 6551 8002
Site specific planning and development enquiries
Map of Bushfire Prone Areas
AddressEmergency Service Complex, 20 Stockton Bend, Cockburn Central, Western Australia
Phone(08) 6551 4060
Building Regulations and application of AS 3959 building construction standards
Address303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington, Western Australia 6107
Phone1300 48 90 99
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