Structure plans are a key planning instrument in shaping and transforming places, in developing or redevelopment areas. As the lead authority, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) holds a key interest in ensuring that structure plans are fit for purpose and implemented appropriately to deliver optimal subdivision and development outcomes.
The Guidance has been prepared by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (the Department) on behalf of the WAPC and replaces the Structure Plan Framework (2015) and the Interim Precinct Plan Manner and Form (2020). Guidance is provided on:
a) The need and purpose of a structure plan
b) Guiding principles and steps to prepare a structure plan
c) The WAPC's approved manner and form
d) Information requirements for structure plans
e) Supporting templates
The Guidance aligns with the State Government's Planning Reform agenda outlined in the Action Plan for Planning Reform (Action Plan) released in 2019, and responded to the following goals and initiatives of the Action Plan:
Goal | Initiative | Desired outcome |
Planning systems are consistent and efficient | C6: Structure planning tools are fit for purpose | The Framework for structure plans is improved to ensure the tools are used appropriately and consistently to achieve good outcomes |
Planning is easier to understand and navigate | B5: Clear and concise guidance is readily available | Clear and concise up-to-date guidance assists local governments and other users to understand the system |
The Guidance is to be read and applied in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015; relevant State Planning Policies, specifically State Planning Policy 7.2 - Precinct Design and Liveable Neighbourhoods (currently under review); and any other relevant planning framework.
In preparing the Guidance, the Department consulted extensively with major stakeholders to identify priorities for the review and matters that require guidance. The Consultation Outcomes Report (found below) outlines matters raised during consultation and recommended changes to the Guidance as a result of this process.
WA Planning Manual - Guidance for Structure Plans
5.59 MB
Fact Sheet: Structure Plans - Proposal to Extend Duration
486 KB
Structure Plan Manner and Form
456 KB
Site and Context Analysis
126 KB
Schedule of Submissions (Template)
124 KB
Schedule of Modifications (Template)
122 KB
Executive Summary Table (Template)
124 KB
Table of Contents (Template)
124 KB
Consultation Outcomes Report
1.61 MB