MRS Major Amendment 1404/41 – Roe 8 Remainder and Roe 9 (Removal of Primary Regional Roads reservation)

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has considered all the submissions received in respect of the amendment proposal for the Roe 8 Remainder and Roe 9 (Removal of Primary Regional Roads Reservation) Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1404/41
Last updated:

Outcome of Submissions

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has considered all the submissions received in respect of the amendment proposal for the Roe 8 Remainder and Roe 9 (Removal of Primary Regional Roads Reservation) Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1404/41

This proposal was first published in the Government Gazette on 7 July 2023.  The amendment is shown on WAPC plan number 3.2807.

The amendment, as advertised, has been presented to and approved by the Governor in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act 2005.  It will now be tabled in both Houses of Parliament, where it must remain for 12 sitting days.  During this time, either House may, by resolution, disallow the amendment.  As soon as the amendment is no longer subject to disallowance it becomes legally effective in the Metropolitan Region Scheme.

Copies of the amendment and the accompanying report on submissions are available for public inspection from Tuesday 11 June 2024 at:

•    WAPC – Level 2, 140 William Street, Perth;
•    J S Battye Library – Level 3, Alexander Library Building, Perth Cultural Centre;
•    City of Perth – Council House, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth;
•    City of Cockburn – 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood;
•    City of Fremantle – Walyalup Civic Centre, 151 High Street, Fremantle; and
•    City of Melville – 10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon.

More information

Please direct queries for more information on the abovementioned proposal to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage by email to  or telephone (08) 6551