Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group – Nominations

Nominations for the Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group are now open until 31 January 2025.
Last updated:

The Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group provides regular practical advice to the Minister for Homelessness to identify ideas for reform, progress implementation of Housing First approaches and remove barriers to accessing the existing system.

Its membership includes community and Government leaders, experts, and people with lived experience of homelessness.

The Advisory Group is chaired by the Department of Communities (Communities) Director General, Mike Rowe and meets approximately six times a year.

The Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group is seeking nominations from a diverse range of individuals across the sector, including from regional areas, to join the Advisory Group and contribute their unique perspectives.

The Advisory Group is seeking increased representation from people with lived experience of homelessness, particularly young people, and individuals who work with young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Three new members will be selected from this EOI process, prioritising candidates from these specific backgrounds.

Applicants should have a good understanding of homelessness and be committed to transforming the homelessness system in a solutions-focussed way.

Successful candidates will be formally appointed as members of the Advisory Group. Their terms will expire on 12 March 2026 with the possibility of reappointment.

Other applicants assessed as suitable will be placed in a pool for consideration if additional positions become available prior to 12 March 2026.

Members may be eligible for sitting fees for each meeting. Communities may also cover travel costs for members to attend Advisory Group meetings.

To apply:

  • Complete the online EOI nomination form and attach your CV outlining relevant experience.
  • Tell us about your experience and knowledge within the homelessness system and how it aligns to the aims of the Advisory Group. You can do this through a written submission (max. 1000 words) or a video (max. five minutes).
  • Detailed instructions including submission guidelines are provided on the form.
  • Applicants under the age of 18 years may need to submit a consent form signed by their parent or legal guardian.

Nominations close 5pm, Friday 31 January 2025.

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