Western Australian Nurses Stipend and Travel Allowance to Attend Placements Program

Financial support for regional nursing students who need to travel to complete practical placements as part of their training.
Last updated:

Financial support for regional nursing students

The State Government can provide financial support for students who need to travel to complete their practical placements as part of their training through the Western Australian Nurses Stipend and Travel Allowance to Attend Placements Program (the program).

The program provides a subsidy to eligible Diploma of Nursing students when they must travel to their placement location as well as an allowance to help with the cost of living while they are away from home.

Assistance is available for all placements completed from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.

For enquiries relating to the nursing stipend and travel allowance program, or for support in submitting your application, please email nursestipend@dtwd.wa.gov.au
or call 08 6551 5330.  

